FotoFinish also offers a special cropping mode that allows you to crop an image to a shape. This means that the part of your image inside the shape is retained while the part outside the shape is discarded.
In the Basic version of FotoFinish, you can crop your images to shapes that correspond to typical photo print sizes, such as 3x5, 5x7, 8x10, etc.
To crop your image to a standard photo shape, select a size from the drop-down list at the bottom of the Crop Panel in the Wizard, and then click the Crop Image button.
Selecting a standard shape for cropping
When the cropping frame appears on your photo, you can move it by dragging it with your mouse. You can also resize it by dragging the handles on the corners and sides. If you drag a corner handle, your frame will retain its aspect ratio (such as 3x5) while you shrink or expand it. If you drag the side handles, you will change the aspect ratio to Freeform. But you can always pick a Standard Size again from the drop-down list to force the frame back to that ratio.
Repositioning the cropping frame
After you have resized the frame, if you choose a different aspect ratio from the drop-down list, the new frame will be created within the bounds of the previous frame. In other words, Finish assumes that you have already resized and positioned the frame on the part of the photo you want to keep, and that you merely want to change the aspect ratio of it.
You can always start over by either stretching the frame to the outer borders of the image, or by clicking on a different tool (for example, the Rotate Tool) and then reselecting the Crop tool for a clean start.
Studio Feature: Crop to Custom Shapes - If you have the Studio Version of FotoFinish, you can crop to custom shapes like hearts, stars, ovals, and more. You can also add frames and borders to your cropped images. For more information see the Crop to Custom Shapes section in the FotoFinish Studio Edition.